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  • Melissa A. B. Hudson

What the Book is About

Updated: Jan 4, 2019

The Drums Beating House: a Memoir, was written by the author and is true the best of her knowledge. The story is accurate and portrays the author as a young girl, growing up in a household with parents who, perhaps, should have reconsidered having children before they did. While this seems conflicting, the story provides reason for this thesis and is a survivor's tale about growing up in a household where the mother suffered from too many mental issues to really be fit as a parent, and the father in this story worked night-shift, most nights, coming home to a house where he relied only upon his wife's word in terms of what transpired for the days events.

Welcome to my site!

This website serves to explain what my book is about. I will include topics about why I chose to write a memoir like this and, hopefully, with feedback from readers, this site will be a guidepost of sorts to answer FAQ's, biographical information about the author, and provide details about upcoming books and future works. M. A. B. Hudson is my name, and in addition to writing, I am the mother of five children: Connor (age 16), Logan (age 12), Beau (age 9), Allison (age 3) and Elvin (age 7 months). I have been married to my best friend for nearly 20 years: Calvin L. Hudson, and he works as an IT Coordinator for the school district we reside close to where we live, about an hour south of Little Rock, Arkansas.

Storytelling, to me, is an art that has been handed down for generations, beginning by word of mouth in its earliest form. After the printing press was invented, stories were rendered in all sorts, by many people, and with the digital age upon us, I find it somewhat disturbing that nowadays, out books have been transformed into online reading material. Books are tangible, substantial evidence of a story and when you have a book in your hand, you know the information within it can never be altered in anyway. Not so for all the troves of words written online these days. History can be edited and changed simply by someone re-writing an article on an online encyclopedia.

To that extent, I hope people who read this see the value in holding an actual book in their hand. Not just so that they purchase my words in book format; that is purpose for my book comes well below what many would think an author hopes for his or her written material. Maintaining a library in your own home is a treasure that can be passed on to the next generation. Storytelling allows parents and children to bond in a unique way, and hopefully, some of the stories that I tell will accomplish that.

This blog will be a dynamic site that I update when I have the opportunity to do so. Being a mother of five children, they are the priority in my life. God willing, I'll have many years after my children mature to devote to more writing and storytelling. For now, The Drums Beating House: a Memoir, is my first book in a series of books that encapsulate my life, as it happens. I am a fan of journaling and self-reflection, such that we can examine our lives so that 1) events of the past that happened tragically do not repeat and 2) so that a person can make the most out of his or her life, being able to conscientiously acknowledge their mistakes and live their lives differently.

This site will update periodically

Please continue to visit my website and leave feedback. All of my feedback is monitored, so anyone who seeks to use this site for the intention of their own lack of imagination, please remember that. (#childabuse #memoir #autobiography)

Below is a picture of me and my newest baby, Elvin! He is currently a healthy baby boy, nearly 7 months old and laughs and talks with his older brothers and sisters.

I'm a fan of Kangaroo care for babies. My husband, Calvin, and I have five children and they are what we wake up for each morning. All of our children are talented in different ways and I am proud of all of them for their accomplishments.

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